Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Pie and Postcards

On Sunday a few women gathered at my friend's house for what we ended up calling "Pie and Postcards." We sat around her kitchen table having Apple Mango Crisp with vanilla ice cream and coconut milk whipped cream. We were armed with pens, postcards and the addresses of our state senators.

After writing a couple cards each, we had our crisp and discussed various topics including the disgrace the president has brought to the United States of America, the disregard of people and the current administration toward the environment, women's rights now and how they were treated in the work place less than 50-70 years ago, current women's pay inequality, the refugee situation, the proposed wall and how we the American people are going to end up paying for it whatever the president says, arts and humanities funding (we were a group of artists), and reliable news sources. And in the background played songs of the sixties and seventies with an occasional protest song coming on.

My two finished postcards and a stack of new ones to continue my action.
Being the youngest in the group by a couple decades, I didn't have the memories of growing up when women were barely starting to be seen as equal. I sat and listened to the other women's stories, tossed something in when I could and felt hopeful, sad, frustrated, powerful and yet so small. I keep asking myself, "what can I, one woman from the northwoods of Wisconsin actually do? Actually accomplish? Will this really make any difference?" And I remind myself one spark can light a flame, one 'snowflake' can cause an avalanche, one raindrop a flood, one grain of rice can tip the scales, one postcard change a mind. And if each "one woman" (or supporters) adds her (their) voice, adds her postcards, her spark, her snowflake, her raindrop, her grain of rice, we can create a change greater than anyone could have imagined.

So I write my postcards, add my voice, and hope someone else out there does the same. I hope that all of those other "one woman" thoughts remember, thanks to the Women's March, that they are not alone, that they are not just one woman anymore, that we will join together in our efforts and cause an avalanche of information, a flood of postcards on every senator's desk and the president's desk. We will tip the scales and *keep our fires burning strong* to exact the change we are fighting for. And if we all keep going, we will make the changes we demand to see.

I started this right after the initial ban of refugees and immigrants was announced.
I'm not sure if I am going to finish it or not, I'm not comfortable with creating this
type of art.
*Please note, I do not advocate violence or violent actions in any form of protest. Please don't light any literal fires anywhere. I am speaking of the metaphorical internal fire in all of us, the fire of desire, the fire of justice, the fire of passion, the fire of soul and heart and mind. The divine spark. The creative spark. The more of those that get burning, the brighter we will be.*

Friday, January 27, 2017

Letter to the President: Tax Payer Money

Every day it seems there are new things being done in the White House and in Congress that I find difficult to accept. I'm sending out this letter today. If I were to write everything into one letter I'd like to say, I'd have a book before I was done.

Dear Mr. President:

People will find a way if they are determined enough.

Building a wall along our Mexican border with taxpayer dollars will not stop illegal immigrants. It will not make America great again. If people are committed to coming to our country, some will still find their way here.

The tax money you plan to go toward building a wall would be much better used in the following ways:

Affordable health care provided to all American citizens.

Placed in renewable and clean energy research and development.

To help provide healthcare to people in other countries who have none.

Help build schools and hospitals for countries that have none.

Used in furthering the arts, public broadcasting and other cultural outlets.

Providing better care for veterans.

Bettering public school systems across the country.

Creating more opportunities, support, jobs and homes for the homeless.

Developing sustainable farms and training programs for farmers.

Creating sustainable jobs for unemployed Americans.

So you see, Mr. President, there are many ways, and I am sure I have not thought of even a fraction of them, of how to use taxpayer money to really “Make America Great” again. Because if we want to be great, then we need to understand that caring for people, here at home and across the world, caring for the environment, and providing opportunities is the way to do so.

Demanding someone pay for something they did not want in the first place is a good way to create division. Isolating us from one of our closest neighbors will ultimately only lead to stress and strain in our relations with them. And there is no guarantee we will ever be reimbursed any of the money. So use that money instead to build America up by educating people, creating jobs, researching sustainable energy and farming, supporting the arts, and keeping its people healthy.

“A nation’s greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members,” Mahatma Ghandi. Must we limit our capacity for greatness by blocking out the world’s weakest members? Immigrants and refugees have nothing, and yet you want to refuse them the opportunity to have a safe place and opportunity.

Sincerely a concerned citizen,

Katlyn Koester

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Letter to the President: Concerns

I wrote a letter to the president. I will be putting it in the mail today, and I believe I will be writing more letters because there are a lot of things that I care about.

Dear Mr. President:

Recent reports coming from the White House have me concerned. I am an intelligent citizen of the United States of America and as such I believe I am capable of deciding for myself what conclusions to come to when presented with a set of information. However, since the orders coming from you and your administration include the removal of information from certain websites including the official page of the White House and the EPA, and the blocking of information being shared through these websites and others, how I am to come to my own conclusions?

I have come to one conclusion regarding the above question. By removing facts, actual proven facts, and not allowing the sharing of information, you plan to somehow create your own “facts” that will not be based in any research or actual proof and you think that the American people will not care. That by creating the new information you can brainwash the free-thinking American people to follow you blindly without any resistance.

I care Mr. President.

I care that for some reason you believe I can not think for myself. I care that the information you ordered removed belongs not to you alone, but to the scientists who did the research, the people who it actually relates to, and the people they choose to share it with.

Blocking people from information they have the right to access, the right to know, is not an act of Democracy, the very thing our country stands for and is so proud of. Censorship such as this goes against our First Amendment rights, Mr. President. You can not tell the press or the people what they can not say, what they can not share. That is not the role of President of the United States. We are not a dictatorship nor are we part of a feudalist society.

The people do have concerns, we do have a say in what happens to us, but right now I, and many others, are worried that you do not wish to do what is best for the American people, our country or the environment. The American people Mr. President, includes ALL the American people. If something you decide to do drastically endangers any of our people, our environment, or our country, then you are not representing us. You are representing you and your friends.

I care, Mr. President. I am not sure you do.

Sincerely a concerned citizen,

Katlyn Koester

Monday, January 23, 2017

Respect Us

It's been a little while again. I got caught up in making work and forgot to write about anything. I have pottery getting glazed and ready to be fired before my Valentine's Day Sale on my Facebook page. I have beaded items waiting for finishing touches and a crocheted frog that is still without a head.

Except that is not what occupied my time this weekend. As most people know by now, the United States of America has a new president. He was sworn into office on Friday and there were protests on Friday, some that got violent, and that's not ok. But on Saturday, millions of women from all over the world rose up in Sister Marches to demonstrate for women's rights in peaceful protest. I attended one such sister march and I am proud of that fact. (I even made it on the local news, look for my hat. This is my crocheted version of the Pussy Hat.)

I couldn't pick one message for my sign, so I used the heart and an all encompassing
Here is what I marched for:

Respect for women. The new president has shown time and again that the only women worth noticing are the pretty ones and at times it seemed he would only notice them to "grab them by the pussy." Not a good quality in a person who is supposed to represent all our people.

Rights for women. The debate of abortion is ongoing. Are women really capable of making that decision for themselves? I think we are, but many people don't think we have the right to say what we do for our own bodies and health. I'm not saying abortion is ok, I'm not saying I will have one if the situation was put on me, but I am saying it would be my decision and no one else's business.
Our march took us down the main street running through town.

Equal pay for women. On average women earn $.70 to the dollar that a man makes while doing the same job and it doesn't matter if the woman is more qualified. I have personal experience with this and it may be one of the reasons I have drifted away from the 9-5:00 jobs and feel contempt at the thought I may have to consider going back to one of those jobs.

Fair and affordable healthcare. I can't afford health insurance in the pre-Affordable Care Act era. With the new people in government already trying to get rid of the ACA, I'm not the only one worried about my health future. I have a preexisting condition that would make me un-insurable or would cause any insurance company to raise my rates to such extreme levels that I wouldn't be able to use my insurance even if I did need it. Which I will, every year for the rest of my life, in order to get a check-up with my cardiologist.

It was wet, rainy, icy, muddy, slushy, cold. And it was fantastic.
Respect and acceptance for people of different races, religions, abilities and gender identification. Over the course of the campaigns, the new president singled out people based on these things and told us to hate them. Told us to mock them. Told us it is ok to do what we (he) wanted because no one is going to do anything about it. Told us they are not worthy of our time. He may not have said anything specific (then again maybe he did), but as the president he has to lead by example and I don't agree with his examples. During the campaign we saw the hate, felt the hate, became worried about our safety or the safety of friends and family who fall into one (or more of those categories) or we worried about the safety of people in general.

Education. I fear for the continuation of the public school system. I went to public schools for 13 years, and the person the president wants to put in charge of the country's education has no experience in public schools and has little to no knowledge except what she was told about during her confirmation hearing, which she should now go research. Or maybe find out if there is a Complete Idiot's Guide to Being the Secretary of Education.
I made 53 of these pink crocheted hearts with safety pins. That was all I could
get made in the time I had once I decided to make them. We had 315 marchers.
I handed them out as we gathered and marched. I finished off several more
balls of yarn yesterday and made 20 more, I need some more safety pins now.
I marched for the environment, for that one female we all rely on. Mother Nature has tolerated us, barely, and with new people being put in charge of our energy and EPA, I fear we may just destroy what little balance we are clinging to so desperately with our finger nails. Global warming is not a hoax, and yet people refuse to believe the science and facts and call it one.

I'm sure there are other things that people marched for. Right now this is what I know I was marching for. I'm sure things will continue to come to the surface that will make me want to march all over again, but for right now this is what I have. I've felt despairing, lonely, unsure since the election, this march showed me I am not alone. It gave me a boost. I hope a movement comes from this, I hope it gains momentum and I hope one day we can have a country and a government that is truly accepting, truly respectful, and truly whole. I have no interest in leading, I wouldn't know how to do so, but that's the difference between me and the president. I know I'm not right for the job of President of the United States.

A panoramic of our rally in the park.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Some people call them "buzz words" or simply "word of the year," either way it is a word you pick to be your focus. How you are going to choose to live the following year. Last year I chose "Fearless" and I painted a banner to hang above my door where I could see it whenever I looked toward the kitchen. Last year I tried to Be a Daily Creative and the painting of the banner was one of those creative choices. I've already noticed this year I have done something creative every day with out needing to actively think about it. Anyway, this year I chose the word "Courage." To many people these two words may mean the same thing. I think fearless is a little more dramatic than courage. To be fearless means to be without fear. To have courage means acting despite, or in spite of fear.

My words to live by.
Last year "fearless" did get me out the door on a few adventures. Well fearless and a kick in the pants from a friend. My First Adventure took me to a couple places I had never been and from there I began my other Adventures. Fearless even got me out to Colorado for some hiking and backpacking with a friend. This year I claim "Courage" as my word and I added it to my banner instead of painting a whole new banner.

I have to keep making pottery, there is no question about that. With nearly 1800 pounds of clay and all the equipment I can't simply walk away from it. I may not be able to walk away, but I can start on something new. And maybe that will be my watercolors. I got an idea on the winter solstice this year for a painting and maybe a week later I began sketching and painting. I think I am done with it, I haven't decided yet, but it is the first in a series I hope to finish this year. This first one is called "Winter Solstice." Perhaps sometime in the near future Katlyn Koester Designs will include watercolors for sale.

I must have had a premonition or something in college when I picked the name I wanted to have on my business cards. Not "Katlyn Koester Pottery," something must have told me I'd never be happy with only pottery. So now I can include all my assorted artworks under one business card and continue to be Katlyn Koester Designs.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Surprises and Back to Work

My yarn rainbow. The fuchsia color is for below zero, but
if we don't get much of that I may also use it for above 90.
It's begun! Just letting you all know I got the yarn for my temperature afghan and I caught up on the first few days. (My first post about the afghan is here.) I think it is going to be very pretty. Except I may record the temperatures for a few days up to a week at a time and then sit down one day and do them all at once. It wasn't very fun doing the first row, it never is, it's the hardest row in my opinion, but I was very happy to do four rows at once instead of stopping after one. So I think I need to do a couple days at a time.

The first four days, I'm going to be continuing on with purple for
the next few days, not supposed to get out of the single digits here.
I also had a surprise yesterday. It isn't very often that I win something. And most times when I do the prize is something I might like to have, but never would have purchased on my own, but if I could win it that's great! So I signed up for an art supply giveaway over the 12 days of Christmas and then completely forgot that I had won. A box came for me yesterday and I had no idea what it was. It was the paper I had won. I thought I was only getting three pads, I got six and one is the kind and size I was planning on taking hiking with me so I could paint pictures on the trail. This giveaway was for things that I was going to buy eventually. I almost got myself one when I was at Hobby Lobby yesterday, glad I didn't!
The littlest pad will be coming on my hike of the Ice Age Trail.
On Tuesday I got back out into the studio, the pottery studio that is, my painting and bead studio is just a folding banquet table set up in my bedroom and I crochet wherever I feel like it. Anyway, I haven't made any pottery since November and with shows starting again (read a little about that here) I needed to start working on some things. I have plenty of work left over from last year, but I always try to have something new in the works for the new year. Today I will hopefully be trimming this work and getting ready for my first firing of the year later this month.
First work of 2017.
I always have new ideas floating around in my head, is it my Creative Genius whispering for me to get back out in the studio? (A little about the Creative Genius here.) Maybe, maybe I needed the break from pottery, maybe I needed the time to work only on crochet, beads and painting. Maybe it has now been enough time for me to want to get back in the studio. Whatever it is I have work in progress and things to do. Onward!

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy 2017!

Happy New Year! Happy 2017! My parents and I went to bed at reasonable times and woke up to the new year. I don't relish the staying up to welcome in the new year idea. I'd much rather be in bed well before midnight rolls around. We do have a sort of simple good luck tradition that we have done several years in a row now. We have a dinner of some good luck foods. I know there are many good luck foods you are supposed to eat on new year's day, but we have the ones we like. I make pig shaped cookies, because I won't eat pork, but eating pig or pork is good luck because pigs are rotund which represents prosperity and they always "root forward" symbolizing progress. Then we also have long noodles representing a long life, and dark leafy greens representing money. I also try to have at least one citrus (usually clementines) because they are round and gold in color they represent coins or again money/wealth/prosperity. I read somewhere the tradition is to eat 13 during the first of the year and I can't imagine eating that many citrus fruits in one day. Can you imagine?
Pig shaped cookies, this year they got sprinkles.
I'm not making any resolutions. I find I don't keep them. I want to be healthier so I plan to eat less junk, exercise more and in general do things that are considered healthy. It never lasts, I can be going along for a month or more and one day I simply stop trying. I don't say "screw it, I don't feel any healthier than before I started this so I'm not going to do it any more." I don't, but for some reason I stop making the conscious decision to not have that cookie, or to go on a walk. I have the cookie and I spend the day sitting, doing various stationary projects.
Romaine salad with spinach fettuccine. 
So instead of making a New Year's Resolution that I know I won't keep, I'm starting a new project that I will be able to tack on at the end of My Morning Ritual. I can write in my journal and then immediately pick up my crochet hook. I'm going to attempt a temperature blanket. I'm sure some of you have heard about this, or the "sky scarf." The sky scarf is one row of crochet or knit a day, but you have to use the shade of blue or gray that corresponds to what color the sky is at a certain time every day. Same for the temperature blanket except colors get assigned to a range of temperatures and then you use the high temperature for that day to pick your color.
A lot more journals full since I began my 3 pages a day ritual.
I made my own temperature chart and until I can get to the Hobby Lobby in Rhinelander I will record the temperatures each day and then play catch-up once I have my yarn. I will have 10 colors (maybe 11 if I decide to add one more above 80 degrees) because Wisconsin has such a wide temperature range every year. I could have an entire two or three weeks of one color if I did the suggested "below 22*." So I split it up a bit more. I picked out this pattern for a blanket, because it will hopefully not be too enormous if I use a small enough crochet hook and because I think it will be pretty as random strips of color. I made it once before following the suggested color pattern, but I will be following the color of the day.
My temperature color chart, I will add the yarn colors
after I make a trip to Hobby Lobby.
My mom has already offered to record the temperatures at home while I am hiking so that I won't miss two months of temperatures. I have some problems to figure out about my hike before I go, I have to go talk to the post master about the restrictions and rules regarding pressurized fuel canisters. I don't want to carry multiple fuel canisters, but I will if I have to. I'm still working on food ideas and I saw a blog about someone hiking the Ice Age Trail this winter and he has charts regarding his gear weight, distances he thinks he can hike a day and where that would put him for his resupply boxes. I may just take his chart for resupply and adjust it to me, if he's already got it all figured out why should I start from scratch? Work smarter not harder, right?