Friday, May 6, 2016

My First Adventure!

I live in fear, or I've let fear run my life. Either way I'm tired of it. I'm tired of doing the same things over and over and expecting to be happy this time. (Insanity. Right, Mr. Einstein?) And that was how I was starting to feel. Insane.

This last week I took some of my pottery over to a shop I've had my work at before and I got talking with the owner and one thing led to another and I kept saying "I can't" to each thing she was telling me to do. She said to me, "it isn't that you CAN'T, it's that it scares the SHIT out of you."

...Um, well, you know... She was right.

Life, and most aspects of it, especially if it is new to me, does scare the shit out of me. I follow the same routine every day because change scares me. Finding a place on my own scares me, being on my own scares me and the thought that one day I might give in and get married only because being on my own scares me, well that scares me too.

I want to travel. I want to see the whole country someday. And it is very likely I will be doing that on my own so I've got to get used to doing things on my own. Anyway the owner of the shop gave me an assignment, at least that's what it felt like to me. She told me I had one week to go visit the covered bridge that is only about 40 minutes from my house and I had never been to it, and the Wisconsin Concrete Park Museum in Phillips, which again I had never been to. And she'd check in a week to see if I had done these two things.

So that's what I did today. It only took me about 5 hours or so to do the whole loop from home to the bridge to the concrete park and home again.

Here's some pictures of my short (although very freeing) adventure.
I found the bridge!

I sat here for about 45 minutes doing a sketch/painting of the bridge.

I haven't done perspective in a while, my drawing is a little off, but not too bad.
Plus this gave me an excuse to pull out the watercolor supplies I got at the beginning of the year to try and Be a Daily Creative.

At the concrete park.

I tried joining some of the men... I didn't quite blend in!

And on a side note... go to the bathroom whenever you can or be prepared with some toilet paper in your glove box. Just saying...


  1. We drive by the concrete place every time we went to our cabin but never been there. Sounds like a great day!

    1. It really was and the concrete park was so weird, but so cool. I felt like a kid!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful day! Love that you did this...

    1. So much fun! Now I have to decide where to go next...

  3. Hi Katlyn, it's Philip from Viterbo, remember me? I saw your Facebook/Blog post and wanted to say that I can relate. I graduated three years ago and I myself haven't done much with art since then. However, I have been easing back into it lately. Just wanted to let you know that your blog post here helped motivate me to go out yesterday to a small state park near me. I didn't do any drawing but I did have fun taking some photos and playing around with composition and shadows. I think it's good for us creatives to try new things otherwise we get stuck in a rut.

    1. I remember you! I hope you get back into your art some more, even if it is just for yourself. That's what the drawing/painting is for me. Just for fun and to have something new to do. Plus it's a lot more portable than pottery. I completely agree, we need to get out of our comfort zones and go see and do something new. Get a new perspective on things.

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