Friday, July 8, 2016


I don't like to voice my opinions. I don't like to cause a stir and become the target for any kind of debate, whether someone decides to argue with me or against me. But I'm tired. And I'm sad.

I'm tired of the hate and violence. I'm tired of racism and people using their race as an excuse for their actions. I'm tired of people using other people's race as a reason for their actions. I'm tired of the attacks on religions and the attacks of a radical few who cause a whole group of people to be defined as terrorists. I'm tired of the ignorance and the division of this country and the world. I'm tired of the slander and disgrace caused by events in this country.

I'm sad the hate continues. I'm sad that the killings continue. I'm sad that unfortunately I can't see an end to it any time soon. I'm sad that the world has so much hate and violence and that there are people who celebrate that hate. I'm sad that there are those who have no respect for others, that the differences between us become weapons to use instead of chances for learning. I'm sad that we only hear one side of the story, or are only given a skewed version of events to make us hate one person or group more than another. I'm sad that I feel small and powerless in these matters.

I wish there was an end in sight. I wish there was peace on the horizon. I wish we could accept others, respect others, treat everyone with grace and understanding in every part of life and in every type of discussion. I wish we could offer support instead of just crying in outrage in times of hardship. I wish I could turn on the news or log in to Facebook and see all the good in the world instead of all the bad. I wish we could learn from each others diversity and see the beauty in our differences.

I hope that one day we won't have to worry about our friends and neighbors when they leave our presence. I hope that we can accept each other and understand that we have differences of opinion in life and that those differences are no reason to murder anyone for any "cause" or belief. I hope we can find peace within ourselves, that does not include causing harm to anyone, and that that peace will multiply and spread and become the new subject for discussion.

I hope and wish this for the whole world. No exceptions.


  1. I believe there are more people who believe as you do than there are people filled with hate. That is my only hope for the world.
