Thursday, July 20, 2017

Where in the World is Katlyn Koester's Work?

I am not a world traveler, but my pottery is becoming so! Just this week a friend told me my one of my pieces will be going to Norway and last year I sold some work to a woman who lives in Afghanistan. I believe there was one other piece I know that went overseas and hopefully others that I don't know about.

This is of course in addition to all the places I know my work has gone in the United States. All over Wisconsin, also to Massachusetts, Colorado, Louisiana, Washington, California, Michigan, Ohio, Minnesota and possibly and quite probably other states. Some people tell me where my work is going, some I know because of mailing addresses when I send something out, but it is always fun learning where my work is going or has gone. I just wish now that I had kept a list or a map.

Do you have some of my work? Or have you sent my work somewhere? Please share! Maybe I'll finally get a map made of "Where in the world is Katlyn Koester's work?"

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