Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Forming Clay: A Poem by Katlyn Koester

I don't know when exactly I wrote this. It could have been high school, but I think it was middle school. We always had a poetry section in class where we read poems, learned about the styles and different types of poems and then wrote our own poems and ended up with a book at the end of the section.

I guess I have loved clay for a long, LONG time.

Forming Clay
Forming clay is like,
Watching the clouds change shapes.
Never the same twice.
Forming clay is like,
Building a house.
A precise art.
Forming clay is like,
Petting a cat.
Once you start, you don't want to stop.
Forming clay is like,
Trying to see the future.
You never know what will happen till it does.
Forming clay is like,
Putting together a puzzle.
You think something works, then it doesn't fit.
Forming clay is like,
The news.
Some things you like, some you don't.
Forming clay is like,
A person's life.
Unstable at times but always able to be fixed.

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