If any of you wonder where I go between posts, here it is.
My display of maple syrup pitchers from my first show this year. |
I work part time at the paint department in the local hardware store. Really part time. I've been at this same store but different positions for 14 years this summer. During my time there I have worked freight days stocking shelves, I've been in the greenhouse, I've been a carry-out boy, I've worked on the floor, and most recently for the last several years I have been in the paint department. Mostly I am working at this job to pay my bills, day-to-day expenses, and to have a little extra to squirrel away if I'm lucky. My boss is really awesome and allows me an extremely flexible schedule so I can prepare for and go to art shows for my pottery.
A plate I finished in a firing before my first show this year. |
That's another place I disappear to in between posts. When I'm preparing for a show that is happening that week, my creative time tends to get all compressed and I force extra firings in to have new work ready for the show. Not really allowing for much time for writing or for what I would consider interesting topics to write about. I'm guessing no one really wants to hear about me restocking my bubble wrap and gift bags, right?
More of a booth shot from last weekend. |
I might also be out of town. Like next week. If you don't hear from me next week, it means I'm out of town. Which I will be. Going out of town isn't too common of an occurrence for me, but when I do go somewhere it is usually to spend some time with my brother and sister-in-law. I get to have some much needed girl time with my sister-in-law and play time with my nephew.
Preparing to make borders for the handkerchief quilt. |
If I manage to finish it I'll share with you my handkerchief quilt top (From my last post,
Find it here!) with borders before the weekend. I'm hoping I'll find some backing fabric for it when I go to visit my sister-in-law.
"Baby Bowls," small bowls I add recycled glass to. |
Something I've found about working randomly at the paint department or when I'm planning on going out of town is that it is really hard for me to do any pottery. Technically I have the time to finish things on my days off, but the thought is there in the back of my mind, "What if I don't have enough time to finish and it dries out before I can get back to it?" This always stalls me when I want to be doing pottery or clay things. It's all too easy for me to procrastinate and so I end up not doing the work and instead I work on things easily set aside like quilting and crochet. That's also why I end up pushing myself the weeks I have shows, I know I have time those weeks, because I specifically asked for the time.
A bowl from the firing before my first show. |
I try to do as much as I can creatively every day. Some days that's harder than others and a lot of the time I don't feel there is any motivation for me to work. My internal motivation is externally driven. If I work at my part time job, I don't feel like doing creative work. If I don't have a show to get ready for or a specific deadline I have to have something ready for, I don't always feel like being productive. I always have ideas and goals running through my head, but I've got to figure out something really compelling to get myself out to the studio.
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