The new year isn't very far away. People will be making New Year's resolutions before you know it. But why wait for January 1st? You know it takes 21 days to make a new habit into routine, so if you start now you'll have a month to try a few times to make a new routine and you'll be that much further ahead than the people who wait.
I never liked making resolutions, I've said it before, but I don't keep them. I have to start when I think about it and then keep reminding myself. I'm actually in the middle of making new routine for myself right now. I didn't wait this time and I don't think you should either.
I'm not going to share what it is I am doing. I've found when I share, I stop doing it. I don't like people always bringing up my goals, I don't like talking about them unless I bring it up, but even when I'm the one to bring it up I have to share with the least number of people as possible and then only the ones who I feel a particular connection to.
So make a plan, start changing your routine now. Don't wait. Don't tell anyone, at first. Maybe once it has become such a part of you that no matter what anyone says or does you will keep doing it, maybe then you can tell one special person, someone who you know will support you and not question why you feel the need to change that thing.